Executive communication training and coaching

You can’t be a great leader without being a great communicator

Leadership requires you to inspire. To motivate. To connect.

I work with a wide range of leaders, including general managers, CEOs and board directors, to help them improve communication skills such as:

  • public speaking and presenting
  • communicating to different audiences, including their staff, the public and the board
  • writing for a wide range of mediums, from email to social media
  • dealing with the media
  • using rhetorical techniques to become more persuasive and influential
  • listening
  • giving and receiving feedback
  • motivating staff.

No one was born with all of these skills – but you can develop them.

I also help executives overcome their fear of public speaking, which is an area I have a lot of experience and interest in.

Executive training that’s discreet and confidential

It’s common for my clients to workshop upcoming speeches, proposals or articles they’re working on – and as such, I often look at confidential material. I can guarantee that everything I look at remains confidential and am also happy to sign non-disclosure agreements.

This privacy also extends to my clients themselves: I never reveal their names or anything that is discussed in our sessions with anyone. In other words, whatever issues or problems you’re working on will remain completely private, allowing you to openly discuss your needs and areas that can be developed.


About the trainer

I’m a former Sydney Morning Herald editor who helps executives across a wide range of industries and fields to improve the way they communicate.

My early career in journalism ingrained in me the importance of understanding your audience, as well communicating clearly and in plain English. When I left journalism, I began focusing on verbal communication – from learning how to make speeches more persuasive right through to understanding how to make presentations more engaging. This involves understanding a wide range of different areas, from body language to the art of rhetoric.

As a child I had a speech impediment so bad most people didn’t understand me when I spoke, and I only overcame this at the age of 18 (these days no one listening to me would ever know I had an issue). This speech impediment caused me to have a fear of public speaking that I also had to overcome – and I did so to the point where these days I’m not only comfortable and at ease when talking in front of a group of people, but I actually love it. As such, I not only understand the techniques for overcoming a fear of public speaking, but I also empathise with the people I train and have first-hand experience with the emotions they’re feeling.
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