Media law training courses – taught online or in person

Protect yourself by understanding media law

You don’t have to be a journalist to be affected by media law.

If your organisation uses social media, has a blog or a newsletter then you’re open to the same risks and challenges as any publisher.

I’m a former Sydney Morning Herald editor and UTS journalism lecturer who approaches media law workshops from an editorial perspective.

I’ll not only teach you the basics of how our laws affect you, but also what you can and can’t do.

More specifically, I can cover:

  •  defamation law
  •  defences against defamation
  •  how the laws affect your social media presence
  •  copyright law
  •  the role of the Press Council
  •  other legal issues you need to know when it comes to online publishing.

My media law workshops can be taught online or at your office anywhere in Australia.


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